
pretty. smart.

to read for me has always been divine. something about the paper and the ink and the smell of wisdom is rather arousing. i feel pretty doing it. and smart. however, there is always that moment when i pull out a book and think to myself how ugly the cover is and what a monstrosity are books that seek to advertise for publishers first and showcase the work within only second. i once ripped off the cover of Gone with the Wind because it was such a ghastly design that i was embarrassed to be seen with it and much preferred the asthetic offered by the yellowed, curling pages and the rich black ink.

however, we smart people, with our love of pretty things need to hide our dreaded covers no more. here you will find a stunning array of clothbound classics released by Penguin Group. not only are they timeless classics they are also encased in a timeless array of cloths, patterns, and hues that you can be proud to use and display. needless to say, i can see this is the start of a beautiful friendship...

1 comment:

  1. We're on the same page. I emailed Chris a link to these for my Christmas list! They are so lovely.
