
oh charlotte charles...

i have been watching pushing daisies and am desperate for every next episode but so sad to see it end as well. however, i have decided (mostly last night in a rush of champagne but this truly makes it all the more poignant) that if i could have one tv chateracter's wardrobe and only one, i would pick that of charlotte "chuck" charles:

and quite frankly, in inadvertantly looking up anna friel herself, i might say that i want her off-screen wardrobe as well...


  1. you may have to wrestle laura for it. shocking that you too are friends. just shocking.

  2. Pushing Daisies was the most beautiful show to watch in every aspect.

  3. i know! now when i wear red lipstick i say to hubby, "yes, darling, i am feeling very chuck today." hilarious that i do not have a reality show yet.

  4. Have you all noticed yet that every episode (at least in the first season, as that's all I've watched so far) has a main color that's dominant throughout the episode? I love trying to figure out what color it's going to be in the first five minutes.

  5. see!

    nothing is smart anymore.
